Friday, February 23, 2024

Hello, and welcome!

 Hey everyone.   Thanks for stopping by.   

We are currently working diligently to get our online presence up and running, and we thought that a blog would be a good idea.

This will be an informational blog, and we will try to update at least one post a week.   The purpose of our Toad Talk is to help you with things you may or may not know about lawncare, plants, flowers, trees, and horticulture in general. 

One week, we may tell you the best fertilizer to use to keep your lawn green and healthy, and the next week, we may tell you when the best time to plant your vegetables are.   We could be talking about just about anything regarding your lawn and garden, and please - if there's something you'd like us to talk about, drop us an email or hit us up on Facebook!  We will be glad to help in any way we can.  

Until next time!

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