Thursday, March 21, 2024

Let's talk about Bed Maintenance!

Nothing gives you better curb appeal than a beautifully taken care of flower bed.   It's not too tough to keep up with, if you maintain it regularly.

All your beds need to be cultivated anywhere from 3" to 6" inches every few years.   This provides aeration, and promotes healthy root growth.  

I would suggest roto-cultivating if you have a roto-tiller.   This tills the mulch matter into the soil.  Add sand or vermiculite (a soil amendment that promotes root growth) for moisture retention and aeration!

Remove all your annuals, weeds, and grasses before cultivating.  These are all things that we don't want in our bed at this time.   

Fertilize your turned beds with 9-9-9 or 13-13-13, and  you can even use a time release if you want.  

OK - now let's prevent the return of most of those volunteer weeds from resurfacing.   We are going to place a heavy mesh weed barrier in our beds, tight around the shrub's drip edge.   Don't go tight around the trunks of the heavy-barked shrubs or trees - they need air, and that weed-barrier will choke them out.  

While we are laying and pinning our weed barrier, is the perfect time to edge and define the front edge of our outer bed.   Be sure to clean up any turf stragglers crawling into your bed.  

Pick a good mulching medium to place on your newly healthy beds.   

Now is a great time to add pretty new flowers and shrubs to your bed.   You can keep your larger, healthy shrubs, and can also add newer shrubs at the same time.   Just plan well!   

If this sounds like too much work, just call us.   We can do this for you.   We also have 35 years experience in bed maintenance and flower gardening.   We can help you with building your healthy new bed with beautiful perennials and annuals,  and explain to you bloom-time, how long they last, and what needs to be replanted every year.  

Once everything is planted, make sure you water everything well.  

Remember!  Nothing grows well without plenty of food and water!  

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