Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Flower Bed Quotes - Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

 Hey y'all, and welcome to our Toad Talk! 

This week, we are going to talk about flower bed quotes.   We get a lot of requests for quotes to build a flower bed, and we can absolutely do that.   We just need a little info from you.

First thing we need to know is your budget.   Flower beds can range in price from super inexpensive to OMG 😄.   Just depends on what you want.   You give us your budget and some ideas of what you'd like, and we can design it for you.

Second thing we need to know is what kinds of flowers you want.   Do you want annuals?   Perennials?   Do you want all flowers?

Do you want us to mix in shrubs or greenery, to break up the flowers?

What about mulch?  Do you want organic mulch?

Maybe inorganic, like rocks?

There are so many variables involved in flower beds.   You can go pretty inexpensive, and get some great color.   Inexpensive flowers can include freesia, mums, daisies, carnations, and more.   You can also go more expensive, and fill your bed with hydrangeas, peonies, lilies of the valley, and crocus.   It's just what you want - what you like to see.  You can mix them all up, too.   

Your mulches and bedding range in price from a small, cheap bag of mulch, to the more expensive smooth river rocks.   Look at cost of ownership when planning your bed filler.   Mulch is cheap right off, but will also fade over time, and needs to be replaced about once a year.  River rocks don't fade as quickly.  They look nice and last for a long time.   

Other things to consider when building a flower bed are the preparations for the bed itself.  Is it in rough shape from last year?  Does it need to be tilled or turned over from last season?  Do we need to dig out old, dead plants?   Do you want us to fertilize it for you?   What about landscape fabric?   That varies in price as well, based on thickness.

So there are lots of variables to consider when planning a flower bed.   We have 35 years of planning and building flower beds, and just give us an idea of what you're looking for, and we will be glad to help you build a nice bed that will make all your neighbors jealous!  

Just give us a call!

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