Friday, May 3, 2024

Lawn Service Quotes - Part 1 of a 3 Part Series

 Hey, yall!  Welcome to our Toad Talk!

So the sun is shining after a rainy few days, and that means only one thing - your grass is growing.  You go out to the shed to get your mower, and after a few grinding cranks, your mower won't turn over.    The mower repair guy is backed up for weeks, and your HOA won't let your grass go that long without service, so what do you do?   

You call a lawncare professional for a quote!   This will be the first of a couple of quote blog posts, because this is a big area to cover.  

Now.  There are many variables involved in quoting your lawn for service.   We often have people who say, "My lawn is about 1/3rd of an acre - what will you charge me to cut it?"   Well we usually don't give quotes over the phone because of the variables involved.   

Let's look at some of the variables!

First of all, of course, size does matter when it comes to your lawn.  😁   A larger lawn will always cost more than a smaller lawn.  However, it's not all about size.   

Do you have lots of flower beds?   Tree rings or stones surrounding your favorite tree?   How about this - something you may not have considered.  Are you on a corner lot?   All of those variables mean you'll need much more weedeating.   Weedeating will always affect your price.   

While we are talking about weedeating, what about fencing?  Do you have it?   If so, what kind?   Regular privacy fences don't get charged as much because they are much easier to weedeat around, but chain-link fences are difficult to weedeat around because the string from the trimmer gets wrapped up in the links, causing us to have to constantly start and stop again.   If there are lots of things in the lawn (debris, sheds, cars, playgrounds, etc), it will cost a little more as well, because again - more weedeating.  

How long is your grass?  If it's pretty high, it will take more passes with the mower, so that takes more time.   Is there debris in the yard?  Sticks, twigs, paper, etc?   That has to be picked up as well, as we don't mow over the top of debris.  

Spring clean-ups usually cost more because the lawn has basically been left for the winter months, because the grass is dormant.   However, there are other things involved in spring clean-up, like yard debris, etc.   With our clients, if we continually provide service during the winter months, we don't have to charge more for spring clean-up.   We just transition into mowing with a greater frequency.  With our winter clients, we go out about once a month, and just give the lawn a good once-over, keeping it clean and neat looking.  

We are here for you - those who are our clients, and those who are not.  

If you ever have any questions about quotes, drop us a line or give us a call!   As always, we will be "hoppy to help you!"  🐸

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